Tuesday, November 9, 2010

on God.. and faith part 3

i was recently talking to someone (sometimes i forget that blogging is entirely MY choice and no one else's, so i have to try to respect other's privacy if i am going to blog about a discussion or event that he/she is a part of.. but i digress) i was talking to this person about Heaven... i was shocked to find out that he did not believe in Heaven... he did not believe in any kind of existence after death... his theory was that when we die there is darkness.. nothing more..
one thing my papa taught me with his faith is that it is VERY MUCH a choice... you can believe... or not... he never said this... but he showed it in his faith.. in his choice to give his life to God... and his choice to trust that there would be a beautiful life after he was gone...
as a skeptic.. think about this... consider a child.. born into an abusive situation.. the worst you can think of.. imagine this child's life cut short by this abuse... what would be the point of this child's life if there wasn't a Heaven.. if there wasn't someplace that her soul could go to.. to heal.. to become complete? consider my papa who spoke to God in his prayers as if he were in the room... my papa was new in his faith... but old friends with God...
so is it harmful for that little girl, my papa or me to believe that there is a life after this one... do i know what it is or what it holds? no... but can't i chose to believe it is full of beauty.. and a chance to see my papa again?
an hour after our conversation, he came back and said... i chose to believe in Heaven... i want to see (your) dad again... so if i have to stretch my beliefs to do that some day... i can...

dear papa, we are finding our way.. just hold tight... we will see you again...

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